I found this framed print, along with another the same size (10 1/2" x 12 1/2"), on its way to the dump!!! The detailing on the frame and aged-white finish are great. I thought it would be worth a shot to try to utilize the center portion for one of my paintings. So, here's what I did....
Step 1: I prepared the center printed area with several coats of gesso...
Step 2: In between coats of gesso, I sketched design ideas...
Step 3: Once the gesso dried, I base coated the centers with black acrylic paint. Using a pencil, I drew the general design onto the black base coat. You'll notice that I changed the acorn layout a bit once I saw it on the actual piece. The designs were painted with acrylic. Once dry, I sanded and stained the painted centers. Trying something new, I decided to adhere a variety of buttons onto particular design elements.
Step 4: When the weather allows, I'll spray these with a matte spray to seal and protect the paintings. The best part?....the existing wire hangers were in great shape so no need for any hardware repair. Woo Hoo!
Step 5: I can't wait to visit my local thrift stores and Goodwill for more framed prints!
I am dreaming of finding some huge framed pieces that I can turn vertically....just right for a tall snowman....great pumpkin...Christmas tree...saltbox home...weeping willow tree...oh, I can't wait!!!...