Friday, May 11, 2012

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Our lil' Macy is now a spunky five-year-old who loves preschool, playing dress-up and "camping" with little brother, Evan.  She's a smart cookie who enjoys learning and creating.  Our house is loud, but fun, and filled with laughing, singing and dancing.

When Macy was one-year-old she ate two small bites of a cookie.  Very quickly, she broke out with hives, turned bright red behind the ears and developed a raspy voice.  After a trip to the E.R. and follow-up skin and blood tests, Macy was diagnosed with food allergies.

Macy is allergic to peanut and tree nuts.  Her food allergies are severe.  If she ingests even a trace amount of peanut or tree nut she could go into anaphylaxis.  Anaphylaxis is rapid in onset and potentially life-threatening.  There is no cure for food allergies.  Therefore, we are diligent about strict avoidance of foods containing peanut and/or tree nuts.  In case of accidental exposure, Macy has an Epi-Pen shot with her at all times and we know to call 911 immediately after administering it.

May 13-19, 2012 is Food Allergy Awareness Week.

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