Friday, July 1, 2011

lots going on in the studio

Currently my studio looks CrAzY and I say....I've been multi-tasking.
One table has an explosion of bright and patterned tissue papers.  It's a mess....but soooo fun!  There are two large wood birthday door pieces in the works here.  They are a combination of paint, tissue and charcoal.  I'll post images once they're finished.  Have I mentioned that I am so excited to work with tissue paper lately that I can hardly contain myself?!  These birthday items will head to Prairie Hearth asap.

I've just completed some fall pieces that will soon be wrapped up and tucked away until upcoming fall shows.  Seems out of sorts to be painting pumpkins when it was 100 degrees yesterday, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do in order to have a large offering for quickly approaching September/October gatherings.  Again, I'm having fun adding tissue elements to my paintings- - as shown here.

Lastly, the largest table in my studio is currently holding stacks of plates paired up with little thumbnails sketches.  These will become my next collection for The Hearthside Collection that I will submit late November.  I've been working on basecoating these. 

Gotta just keep pluggin' along.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michelle, my lovely parcel arrived today and the contents look better than the photo!
    Thank you so much and the lovely card too!
    You have been busy too!


    Sandie xx
